How to Make Money on Fiverr || The Exact Steps || Took to Make $2-3k Every Month - News Information

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How to Make Money on Fiverr || The Exact Steps || Took to Make $2-3k Every Month


How to Make Money on Fiverr  The Exact Steps I Took to Make $2-3k Every Month

I get these questions several times a week, from fellow Fiverr sellers who are just getting started on the platform. Of course, the answer is too complicated to distill into a quick response, hastily sent off.

Luckily for the next person who asks, I can send a link to this guide: a comprehensive look at my best tips for how to make money on Fiverr.

But why are people asking me for advice?

“How do you find success on Fiverr? How to make money on 

    🥜 BONUS: How to make money on Fiverr in a nutshell

    1. Sign up as a Fiverr Seller.
    2. Brainstorm the Gigs you want to set up.
    3. Create a compelling Fiverr profile.
    4. Research how the competition is setting up their Gigs.
    5. Take a first attempt at setting up a Gig, then ask someone in your industry to review it and point out anything that isn’t clear or compelling.
    6. Refine your initial attempt at setting up a Gig with representative imagery, a clear title, a keyword-rich description, relevant search tags, and a helpful FAQ.
    7. Set Gig requirements that aim to get all relevant information from the buyer to limit the need for revisions.
    8. Acknowledge every incoming order, if only to keep your metrics high.
    9. Set aside a specific time each day to address client communications and to work on Fiverr orders.
    10. Use client feedback to refine Gig messaging (including FAQs), Gig extras, and to launch new Gigs.
    11. Underpromise and overdeliver whenever possible.
    How I make $2,000-$3,000 on Fiverr each month

    I’ve been on Fiverr since June 2015.

    I honestly wouldn’t have even considered it if not for the guidance of my mentor and first big client when I started freelancing full-time. He’d been using it to sell social media management packages that he eventually converted to long-term client relationships.

    With 4.5 years on the platform, I’ve seen Fiverr grow from having a bad reputation that stemmed from making every order start at $5, to a diverse marketplace of talented individuals who have learned how to make money on Fiverr by charging according to their skills and experience.

    Between June 2015 and the date of this article’s publication, there’s been some variance in terms of how much work I’ve actually done through the platform. But I never left completely or went on an extended break, always maintaining a consistent presence.

    It’s this consistency that’s helped me move up from one seller level to another.

    I’m both a “Top Rated Seller” and a member of the Pro marketplace, which effectively puts me on the top of the totem pole for getting my Gigs surfaced in relevant searches on Fiverr — while also providing justification for my pricing.

    It’s worth noting that you don’t become a Top Rated Seller or a member of the Pro marketplace without first being vetted by the Fiverr team. Unlike other Fiverr seller levels, neither happens automatically by achieving certain milestones.

     It wasn’t until 2019 that I became a Top Rated Seller. Now more than ever, I get a consistently high quantity of new orders across all of my Gigs with minimal effort.

    Perhaps because of how long I’ve been on the platform, and the nature of what I do (primarily content writing), Fiverr staff regularly reaches out to buy my Gigs.

    I’ve written for,, some ghostwriting for Fiverr’s website, and have also been featured on Fiverr’s blog when I became a Pro seller.

    Along with the launch of the Pro marketplace, I was featured in advertisements alongside the likes of Jerry Media (of @f***jerry Instagram fame):


    All of this is to say that I’ve definitely caught some lucky breaks on the platform but that I probably wouldn’t have been approached for them without having good consistency and tenure as a Fiverr seller.

    Starting in 2019, I’ve made $2,000-$3,000 a month on Fiverr alone (which doesn’t represent the majority of my freelance income) — and I’m going to walk you through everything you need to do to learn how to make money on Fiverr.

    How Fiverr works for freelancers

    The major difference between popular freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr is the process of working with clients.

    Working with clients on Upwork means constantly pitching for new jobs. So new work doesn’t happen in the background without your input — you have to be proactively on the hunt for new work when you want it.

    Fiverr is a completely different story.

    With Fiverr, you essentially productize your service via Gigs.

    Each Gig describes a specific deliverable you will provide in exchange for a set price, starting with the words, “I will…”

    How to make money on Fiverr: Gigs

    You can offer different packages that involve bare-bones offerings, up to “the works”. You can also offer Gig extras that allow people to customize your offering with related services they’ll benefit from.

    But the best part about Fiverr is that because of the way Gigs are set up, clients are empowered to make purchases without even talking to you.

    This means that if your Gig is the right fit for their needs, at the right time, you can be making sales while you sleep.

    Undoubtedly, from time to time, people will still get in touch with questions or to ask for custom deliverables. Using Fiverr doesn’t mean that you can do away with business development completely, though it will certainly help you streamline the process.

    At the end of the day, if you want to make more money as a freelancer, reducing the time you spend actively pitching for jobs means that you have more time available to do the work.

    With that said, let’s now answer the first question people have when starting their careers on Fiverr:

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